Global Issue Ad Campaign

A fictional ad campaign project which centered around “partnering” with an activism group to address a wide scale issue of our chosing. My choice was ocean pollution and the organization I chose to represent this campaign was Ocean Conservancy.

Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington D.C. that focus their attention towards saving the oceans through means of removing waste created by humans from marine environments and encouraging people to be proactive with the issue of pollution, stopping the threat at its source through altogether better management of waste. Along with the threat of trash discarded into water sources, Ocean Conservancy advocates for responsible fishing habits to avoid overfishing and the eradication of ocean species, as well as provides information about ocean acidification, which is contributed to by the use of pesticides and the dumping of chemical waste into waterways by factories.

Before continuing onto the work I did for this project, I do want to link the donation page for Ocean Conservancy, I chose this specific topic to base this project around because of my love for the ocean and my similar desire to one day see a clean ocean free of waste and debris.

This project was divided into a few different categories in terms of media created, including various types of ads, from billboards, to newspaper ads, as well as mockups for each of these types of adds to see them in a realistic environment. Each of the ads themselves were made using Adobe Illustrator, while the mockups for each ad were made using Adobe Photoshop. Most of the ad mockups were made using free templates from other creators, aside from the phonebook ads, which I created myself.

Along with the advertisements themselves, a series of educational posters were made, informing the reader of various facts about ocean trash in order to raise awareness of some of the alarming statistics regarding waste in the ocean. Each of these posters were made using Adobe Illustrator.

FInally, I created two brochures which focused on Ocean Conservancy as an organization; their goals and general manifesto, some history about the company, as well as some quotes from some of the organizations’ members.

This project was completed in the spring of 2021, and while there are a couple design aspects I would tweak, overall I am very happy with how this series of works came out. During this particular time in my university career, minimalism was a heavy focus of the lessons of my professors, and that happened to have caused a few of these designs to be more on the minimal side as a result, which I think helps with the message Ocean Conservancy, as well as myself, wish to convey about clean oceans with minimal to no waste present.

Informational posters as well as more minimal, eye catching poster designs.

When developing this ad campaign, I wanted to have a slogan or a catchphrase to go along with my advertisements; and since Ocean Conservancy doesn’t really have a slogan or phrase to go along with their organization, I created the short, sweet, and catchy phrase “No Plastic. Fantastic.” to accompany a majority of my advertisements.

Billboard designs which mimic the minimal poster designs.

Ads which may be found in newspapers or magazines.

Ads which may be found in phonebooks/yellow pages. Personally I feel as though this type of ad is obsolete in this day in age, but it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have

The first of two brochures, talking on the work done by Ocean Conservancy, the issues they tackle and what still lies ahead, as well as a call to action to the reader to consider helping out and doing their part to eliminate waste from the oceans and beaches.

The second of two brochures, talking more about the people of Ocean Conservancy, why they do what they do, how they got to be where they are and what they ocean means to them. Intended to inspire the reader to care and want to make a change before it’s too late.

Something of Note: much of the language of the two brochures was adapted from the Ocean Conservancy website and testimonies and quotes made by members of the organization, similar to how it would be developed in the event this was an actual commission from the organization and they provided specific verbage they wanted used in their documents and advertisements.


Branding Exercises


Magazine Layout Design