“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”

- Henry Ward Beecher


As an artist, and even as just a person, drawing exists, to me, as a form of escapism and a way to unwind from the stresses of the real world; from school, work, and everything in between. The most common theme of my art delves into the realm of the fantastical, with a major inspiration of mine being Dungeons and Dragons, and its magical world where nothing in ours matters and you can create and sculpt the world around you to your heart’s desire. My main subject I like to capture is far and away human/humanoid figures. A person’s anatomy is a very beautiful object of study, albeit a challenging muse. I am nowhere near to a level in which I am happy with my study of the human form, and only wish to progress in my knowledge from here. I like to capture movement and energy in my pieces, I enjoy the life it brings to a still image, as well as the elegance and grace of a figure turning through the air. My reasons for creating art may seem dull or cliché, but at the end of the day there is really not much more to it. I’m not very happy with my life and I find comfort in escaping into my drawings, creating people who enjoy where they are in life, so that I may live vicariously through them in a place much more enjoyable, or so that I may envy that they have what I do not.




